Arriva Trains Wales

Arriva Trains Wales

Arriva Trains Wales is a train operating company that runs train services across Wales and the Welsh Marches. With a fleet of 125 trains, Arriva Trains Wales typically operates 955 services per day, travelling around 13.7 million miles every year.

Arriva Trains Wales' Route

Arriva Trains Wales provides rail services from all the main train stations of Wales including: Cardiff, Newport and Swansea and provides links to major cities in England such as Birmingham and Manchester. Arriva Trains Wales provide high speed train services for long distance journeys, as well as one carriage, slower trains for shorter, local journeys.

Arriva Trains Wales manage almost all the rail routes in and out of Wales, with the exception of five routes which are run by other train operating companies. These mainly provide links to London train stations and those routes not operated by Arriva Trains Wales are:

  • Wrexham General - London Marylebone: run by the Wrexham and Shropshire
  • Holyhead/Llandudno - London Euston: run by Virgin Trains
  • Swansea/Cardiff Central - London Paddington: run by the First Great Western
  • Cardiff Central - Portsmouth Harbour/Taunton: run by the First Great Western
  • Cardiff Central - Nottingham/Newcastle: run by the CrossCountry train

Arriva Trains Wales Network Map

Arriva Trains Wales' Stations

On top of the Welsh stations that Arriva Trains Wales manage, this train operating company also control three English stations: Shrewsbury train station, Hereford train station and Chester train station. 

Cycle Reservations Tel: 0845 601 4873
Assisted Travel Tel: 08453 003 005


Ways to contact Arriva Trains Wales

If you have a real time query the quickest way to get in touch is to call or tweet us.


03333 211 202, between 8am and 8pm Monday to Saturday, 11am until 8pm on Sundays. If you prefer to talk to us in Welsh, please call 03333 211 202 & select option 1.


Tweet us @ArrivaTW between 8am and 8pm Monday to Saturday, 11am until 8pm on Sundays. You can read our Twitter Policy here.

All other contact

The quickest way to get in touch is to use one of the quick links at the top of this page. 

Alternatively you can contact Customer Relations by e-mailing

If you’re including attachments please make sure your email file is 5MB or smaller.

Information on claiming compensation for a delayed journey can be  viewed here.

Or print off a  claim form and post it to the address stated on the form (PDF Document).  


Our address is: 
Arriva Trains Wales 
St. Mary's House 
47 Penarth Road 
CF10 5DJ

Claiming compensation?

The quickest way to make a claim for a delayed journey is to fill in the web form below and upload a picture of your tickets or booking confirmation. 

You can also claim compensation for a delayed journey by  downloading a compensation claim form here and posting it to us. Or you can pick up a form from any of our staffed stations.

You can write to us at:

Customer Relations 
Arriva Trains Wales 
St Mary's House 
47 Penarth Road 
CF10 5DJ

You will need to provide the following information with your claim:

  1. The date of your journey
  2. The time your train was due to depart
  3. The stations you were travelling from and to
  4. How long the delay was
  5. You will need to provide your ticket for the delayed journey. If you no longer have your ticket we may accept other proof of travel such as your booking confirmation.