Manage My Booking

Bring up your booking details anytime, anywhere

Please note that the Manage My Booking tool will only bring up bookings made on this website (

  1. Click on Manage My Booking on the homepage
  2. Enter your Raileasy reference number (this is located in your email confirmation) and click on the 'Find My Booking' button.
  3. You will be sent an email to access your booking. 
  4. Click on the secure link in your email.
  5. Here you will be able to:
  • View details of your journey

  • Apply for a refund

  • Resend confirmation email to the same address (or a different email if you prefer)

  • Payment details (breakdown of costs)

  • Please refer to the Refunds & Amendments page if you have booked Advance (non-refundable fares) and need to change your tickets.