Fare Key

Flexible fare key

Generally off peak simply means avoiding the morning rush hour but it can also apply to the evening rush hour; for clarification please check with the train company you are travelling with or enquire at your local station. Super off peak is generally valid for travel in the middle of the day.

The cheapest advance fares are subject to availability so if they are sold out they will not display and the cheapest fares will be super off peak or off peak fares. On Raileasy you can now easily select 'combo fare' with increased flexibility in just one direction or both! A detailed explanation of the fares is provided below.


  • Booking: Single tickets available up to 12 weeks in advance, must be booked before travel date. Subject to availability.
  • Validity: Valid on the time and date shown on ticket
  • Reservations: Raileasy will reserve seats for each leg of your journey subject to availability.
  • Refunds: Non refundable
  • Amendments: If the date of travel is to be changed then cancel the ticket and re-book. Refund will be subject to GBP10.00 admin fee and any difference in fare. Refund claims must be raised within 28 days of the date on ticket


  • Booking: Single and return tickets available on or before the day of travel.
  • Validity: Outward or single: Restricted to off peak or super off peak trains, times and routes on the date shown on ticket. Return: Restricted to off peak and super off peak trains, times and routes, validity may vary but generally valid for one calendar month of the outward.
  • Reservations: Not compulsory.
  • Refunds: Refundable if submitted wholly unused within 28 days of expiry date. Subject to GDP 10.00 admin fee
  • Amendments: If the date of travel is to be changed then cancel the ticket and re-book. Refund will be subject to GBP10.00 admin fee and any difference in fare. Refund claims must be raised within 28 days of date on ticket for a single or within 28 days the original return date for return tickets


  • Booking: Single and return tickets available on or before the day of travel.
  • Validity: Outward or Single: Valid any time on the date shown on ticket or including up to five days later or for one month* (*variable). Return: Valid any time on the date shown on ticket or up to one month of the outward* *(Variable).
  • Reservations: Not compulsory.
  • Refunds: Refundable if submitted wholly unused within 28 days of expiry date. Subject to GBP 10.00 admin fee
  • Amendments: If the date of travel is to be changed then cancel the ticket and re-book. Refund will be subject to GBP10.00 admin fee and any difference in fare. Refund claims must be raised within 28 days of date on ticket for a single or within 28 days the original return date for return tickets.